Thursday, September 19, 2013

Keyword: [Smartphone ]: 7 tips and tricks for navigating iOS 7

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Thursday, Sep 19, 2013 12:43 PM EDT
   Keywords News : Smartphone - News from Yahoo !
First 'ethical smartphone' takes ...
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 06:46 AM PDT
First 'ethical smartphone' takes a big risk
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First 'ethical smartphone' takes ...
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 06:46 AM PDT
First 'ethical smartphone' takes a big risk
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First 'ethical smartphone' takes ...
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 06:46 AM PDT
First 'ethical smartphone' takes a big risk
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First 'ethical smartphone' takes ...
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 06:46 AM PDT
First 'ethical smartphone' takes a big risk
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7 tips and tricks for navigating iOS 7
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:40 AM PDT
USA TODAY - Along with Friday's launch of two new iPhones, Apple has released iOS 7, the latest update to its mobile operating system that runs the smartphone as well as the iPad and iPod Touch.
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Mobile app download tally will soar above 102B this year
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:40 AM PDT
Mobile apps continue to be a major driver of the smartphone and tablet ecosystem and are a big reason people purchase and use those devices.
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Gecko Is One Small Step For The Internet Of Things, One Huge Leap For Your Smartphone
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:36 AM PDT
The Internet of Things — like true mobile wallets or Internet-connected coffee makers — is on the horizon. It awaits us, a world where all of our devices are connected and communicate with each other in some sort of futuristic circle of life. But as with any major shift in technology, we're certainly not ther...
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Mobile app download tally will soar above 102B this year
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:31 AM PDT
Computerworld - Mobile apps continue to be a major driver of the smartphone and tablet ecosystem and are a big reason people purchase and use those devices.
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Risky first 'ethical smartphone'
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:28 AM PDT
A device billed as the world's first ethically sourced smartphone has been unveiled in London, but despite thousands of pre-orders its designer says the project remains a huge gamble.        
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Physician adds smartphone to medical tools to gather patient info
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:24 AM PDT
When Dr. Paul Abramson treats patients, he has the usual assortment of medical tools, tests and protocols. And then there's the patient-gathered data he reserves for his most confounding cases. Using an iPhone app, Abramson will have a patient with, sa...
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Kickoff Live: Week 4
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:21 AM PDT
Editor's note: To watch the show on your smartphone, click here. reporters Edward Aschoff, Heather Dinich and Ted Miller join host Chantel Jennings at 2 p.m. ET to discuss the weekend.
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Kickoff Live: Week 4
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:21 AM PDT
Editor's note: To watch the show on your smartphone, click here. reporters Edward Aschoff, Heather Dinich and Ted Miller join host Chantel Jennings at 2 p.m. ET to discuss the weekend.
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Kickoff Live: Week 4
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:15 AM PDT
Editor's note: To watch the show on your smartphone, click here. reporters Edward Aschoff, Heather Dinich and Ted Miller join host Chantel Jennings at 2 p.m. ET to discuss the weekend.
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Nokia eyes bigger market share
Thu, 19 Sep, 2013 09:14 AM PDT
Nokia expects its market share to rise further following the launch of its new smartphone, Lumia 1020. Its Pan Asia head of marketing Gary Chan said the new smartphone would continue to build its market share especially among the high-end users.
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