Saturday, May 16, 2015

Smartphone : Smartphone Sales in China Fall -- How ...

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Smartphone Sales in China Fall -- How Worried Should Apple, Samsung Be?  - 19 hours
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- As it becomes more sophisticated and brand conscious, the Chinese market has become a huge money-maker for Apple . ...

Wolverton: Your smartphone is a target, so make it secure Contra Costa Times  - 14 hours
Smartphones store a wealth of personal data and have access to sensors that can track users movements, making them tempting targets for ...

Smartphone-Monitoring Apps for Parents Flourish in S. Korea The Lakeland Ledger  - 14 hours
Lee Chang-june can be miles from his 12-year-old son but still know when he plays a smartphone game. With the press of an app he can see his ...

Texting on a treadmill may lower health benefits redOrbit  - 23 hours
Chuck Bednar for - @BednarChuck Using a smartphone to talk or text while exercising on a treadmill could reduce the intensity of ...

Fuijtsu unveils smartphone that unlocks when you look UPI  - 23 hours
Elizabeth Shim TOKYO, May 15 (UPI) -- Fujitsu has unveiled a smartphone that reads the windows to the soul – your eyes.

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