Sunday, April 7, 2013

Keyword: [Smartphone ]: Facebook to release own mobile phone

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Sunday, Apr 07, 2013 12:43 PM EDT
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Facebook to release own mobile phone
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 09:25 AM PDT
New smartphone app's are all the craze in the world of technology, and now Facebook is looking to go into the mobile phone business.
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Test your multitasking skills with this interactive brain-bender
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 08:27 AM PDT
Working in the online world is all about multitasking. Whether you're a developer, an entrepreneur, a marketer, or a biz dev hustler, you always have about five tasks and a Twitter feed to keep an eye on. And with your smartphone buzzing away in your hand and notifications for every imaginable service ...
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Public warned over rise in smartphone thefts
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 07:52 AM PDT
8,000 phone stolen in Dublin in first six months of last year        
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When CEOs get demoted (by the companies they founded)
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 07:45 AM PDT
With RIM's recent launch of its Blackberry 10, founder and board member Mike Lazaridis may have felt he'd, in some way, seen his company to safe harbor. "Safe" may be an overstatement, given competition in the mobile smartphone market these days and RIMs place in it, but let's just say it gave him a po...
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What Facebook Got Wrong About How People Use Their Smartphones
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 07:37 AM PDT
According to Zuckerberg, smartphone users spend more time in Facebook than any other individual app, so by that logic, it's a good idea to make Facebook the first thing users see when they switch their devices on.
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A photojournalist wanna-be? Just grab your smartphone
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 07:24 AM PDT
News as we know it is poised to change, and it's in the hands of smartphone users. Recently, the New York Times print edition ran a photo of New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez taken by sports photographer Nick Laham — on his iPhone, and edited in Instagram. Laham's photo was not the first ti...
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Facebook tweaks Android phones to build new 'Home'
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 07:24 AM PDT
Facebook tweaks Android phones to build new 'Home' Associated Press Copyright 2013 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Updated 5:40 pm, Thursday, April 4, 2013 (AP) — With its new "Home" on Android gadgets, Facebook is trying to pro...
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Hands off the smartphone map, California court tells drivers
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 07:16 AM PDT
Mapping technology and smartphones often go hand in hand, but in California if you want to check your destination on your mobile device don't be driving at the same time. That's the word from a court there that says looking at a mapping program on a phone while driving is against the law. A driver argu...
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Interview: Mozilla: why the web is the future of the smartphone
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 03:56 AM PDT
Firefox introduced Firefox OS last year and it now has networks and manufacturers on board. Head of Engineering, Jonathan Nightingale, says "if you aren't betting on HTML 5, you're making a mistake" and believes there's room for another OS alongside Android and iOS that can harness the power of the open web w...
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Apple device sales projected to shut out Windows for the first time
Sun, 07 Apr, 2013 03:54 AM PDT
Apple has always had a leg-up in the "cool factor" over Microsoft, but its devices may also finally outsell Windows hardware in 2013, according to a market research group this week. Devices such as the iPhone, iPad and Mac will result in more sales than Windows PCs, tablets, and smartphone, according t...
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