Sunday, August 18, 2013

Keyword: [Smartphone ]: Coby does 5-inch crossover with newest Android smartphone

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Sunday, Aug 18, 2013 12:43 PM EDT
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Coby does 5-inch crossover with newest Android smartphone
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 09:39 AM PDT
It used to be that any phone with a 4-inch screen was too enormous for everyday use. But in an age when the mobile landscape is gearing toward larger displays, US mobile device innovator Coby takes on the challenge and finally crosses over to the 5-inch realm of Android smartphones with its recent rele...
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U.S. Digital Game Sales Hit $1.1 Billion In July
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 08:26 AM PDT
Is it any wonder that the video game/smartphone game/social media game market is so complex and has reached a level of warfare that analysts can barely follow? Super Data released its report on the state ...
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Looking for Gadget Discounts? Rush to SM Cyberzone's Tech Sale
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 09:36 AM PDT
Looking for your new, mid-year smartphone? A tablet, perhaps? You're in luck. SM Supermalls, in partnership with MSI-ECS and PLDT, recently launched a nationwide sale in all SM Cyberzones . That's right— all SM Cyberzones across the nation .
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Motorola Skip: Unlock Your Device With A Quick Finger Tap
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 08:39 AM PDT
The new Motorola Skip accessory is capable of unlocking your smartphone without a single finger swipe or passcode code. The average user unlocks their smartphone 39 times in a single day and heavy users could find themselves unlocking their phone hundreds of time. To save on those precious secon...
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Talygen Launches CRM App on Windows Phone to Accompany its Bestselling Cloud Application
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 07:13 AM PDT
Talygen, the world leader in business management automation, has launched the newest version of its advanced Windows phone app to help companies and their sales team manage CRM functions on their smartphone or tablet. (PRWeb August 18, 2013) Read the full story at
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Nokia Lumia 520 is World's Best-Selling Windows 8 Phone
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 06:52 AM PDT
The Nokia Lumia 520 is the best-selling Windows Phone 8 smartphone, followed by the Lumia 920 and 620.
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Apple closes in on iPhone deal with China Mobile
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 05:57 AM PDT
The stars may finally be aligning for a long-awaited deal between Apple and China Mobile, the world's biggest mobile carrier, that could help the iPhone maker claw back lost ground in its most important growth market. Apple is expected to unveil its redesigned iPhone next month and may also release a cheaper,...
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Casino Finder App Brings Gambling To You
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 05:47 AM PDT
Smartphone owners have known for a while of the benefits of mobile gambling. Now they can find their closest land-based casino (UK only, for the time being) through a new "Casino Finder App."
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Can't put down your smartphone? Eight tips to curb your addiction
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 05:45 AM PDT
Constantly tethered to your smartphone? Experts are waving the red flag. While addition to your favorite portable gadget can be both hard to define and oddly socially acceptable, too much attention to tech can leave you drained and unable to concentrate.
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Smartphones blamed for poor eyesight in kids and young adults
Sun, 18 Aug, 2013 04:38 AM PDT
London, August 18 : Excessive smartphone use has led kids, as young as seven, to have risks of 'screen sightedness,' a new study has revealed.
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