Sunday, March 16, 2014

Smartphone : Apple, HP, Intel May Take a Hit from ...

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Apple, HP, Intel May Take a Hit from Slowdown in Smartphone Sales Growth  - 26 minutes
The smartphone business has generated staggering wealth for companies such as Apple and triggered a recent scramble by Hewlett-Packard and ...

Apple, HP, Intel may be hit by slowdown in growth of smartphone sales San Jose Mercury News  - 18 hours
Although smartphones remain wildly popular, their sales are growing at a slower pace and their prices are dropping fast, making it harder for ...

Bits Blog: Staying Home, Connected to the World New York Times  - 1 hour
There are both gains and losses when so many human interactions are possible through a smartphone.        

Apple Boasts 76% Brand Retention - Samsung Attracts 34% of Consumers Switching Brands  - 16 hours
Analysis into brand retention across smartphone manufacturers by WDS, shows that 76% of Apple customers replace their iPhone with another ...

Your turn, HTC: Why the M8 could be company's swan song Macworld UK  - 13 hours
The HTC One was one of the best-reviewed smartphones of 2013, garnering numerous accolades and winning a number of awards, including the MWC ...

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