Thursday, August 21, 2014

Smartphone : Why Chinese Smartphone Makers Are Going ...

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Why Chinese Smartphone Makers Are Going Global Wall Street Journal Blogs  - 9 hours
Chinese smartphone makers are increasing their presence in the global smartphone market includingr lesser-known Chinese players like Coolpad.

Why Chinese Smartphone Makers Are Going Global Wall Street Journal Blogs  - 10 hours
Chinese smartphone makers are increasing their presence in the global smartphone market includingr lesser-known Chinese players like Coolpad.

OnBeep developing walkie-talkie type wearable for mobile devices PC World  - 22 hours
OnBeep is readying a wearable device that will let smartphone users initiate a voice chat with a pre-defined group of people, walkie-talkie ...

This stylish smart bracelet gives you a smartphone battery boost when you need it most BGR News via Yahoo! News  - 58 minutes
The QBracelet from Q Designs is a stylish, lightweight, unisex bracelet that packs a 1,160mAh battery capable of delivering that extra ...

LG's high-end smartphone features trickle down to new L series PC World  - 5 hours
LG Electronics is bringing features from its more expensive smartphones into the hotly contested low-end segment of the market. On Thursday, ...

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